Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New and Improved ABC's

Thank you Mrs.Gamgee of http://missusgamgee.blogspot.com/ for this twist on the "ABC's"! 

A-AGE: 25.  I turn 26 on March 18th.  I know I know, I get the "But you have so much time for babies" comment all the time.  Let me ask you, if I'm having trouble at this great young age, do you really think it's going to get any better as time passes and my reproductive tract gets older???

B – BED SIZE:  King.  And sometimes when all three of our dogs sleep with us, it's still too small.  But it was a great change after sharing a full size bed for 3 years!

C-CHORE YOU HATE: All of them?  Ok, my least favorite would have to be vacuuming.  I absolutely love hardwood or tile.  I actually kind of enjoy mopping... but really and truly hate vacuuming,  Not sure what the difference is.... carpet is just gross.  And of course that's all rentals ever have.  Bleh.

D-DREAM JOB: Working in a  large animal clinic.  Getting to do a lot of surgical nursing.  (I'm a veterinary technician)  But for now, I'll do anything in my field that pays the bills!

E-ESSENTIAL START YOUR DAY ITEM:  Cell phone?  Gotta check if I missed any texts or calls...  I'm not really someone who has to have coffee or anything.

F-FAVORITE COLOR: Green! Wait, no... Blue!  Wait, no... Green!  Hm.... Blue!  Ok, it's a tie.

G-GOAL IN LIFE:  To be understood. And to understand others.

H-HEIGHT:  5'2". I love that I can get away with 6" heels... except I have long since gotten out of the habit of wearing heels so when I do it hurts :(

I-INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY:  My voice.  I played the viola a bit in elementary school, and piano for a bit then too, but I was involved in multiple choirs in high school and took private voice lessons.  My voice has kind of gone to s**t since I've been out of practice, but would love to take up voice lessons again, even just so I can sing along with opera songs for myself again.

J-JOB TITLE: Between jobs.... Had a temporary position for a dream company that unfortunately ended.

K-KIDS:  None.  Unless you count my 4-legged-and-furry kind.  In which case the answer is then 3. In my dream world?  One boy and twin girls.

L-LIVE: In a college town in northern Colorado.  I've been trying to leave for years but keep getting sucked into staying for one reason or another.  It's ok, but I've really outgrown the "college" scene.

M-MAJOR IN COLLEGE: Associates of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology.  But for a time I also studied Biblical Studies, Theology and Psychology.

N-NICKNAMES: As a small child kids couldn't pronounce "Kira" so it went to "Kiwa" and finally to "Kiwi".  Nothing else really comes to mind.  Except my husband called me "Babydoll".  Which I totally luv :)

O-OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS:  None in my memory.  Probably all as a baby if any.  Unless you count the time I went into the ER around 1 or 2 in the morning for sever vomiting and diarrhea and didn't get out until 5 or 6.

P-PET PEEVE:  Slow drivers in the left lane.  MOVE OVER!  KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS!!!

Q-QUOTE FROM MOVIE: Lots of good ones out there... but tonight I saw "Baby Mama" for the first time, and I love the description of labor as "I'm pooping a knife" or something along those lines.

R-RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED:  Righty.  Same as my dad.  Interestingly my mom and brother are leftys.  My dad and I were born in March.  Mom and brother in January.  Dad and I like creamy PB, Mom and brother like crunchy.... Maybe that wasn't actually interesting, but random at the least.

S-SIBLINGS:  One older brother who is 4 years older than me and is 30.  One stepsister that is a lot younger than me.  I want to say either 9 or 10?  I rarely get to see her since she is in Washington, and her mom and my dad have only been married for about a year.

T-TIME YOU WAKE UP:  Depends on the time I go to bed.  Recently no matter what time I go to bed I wake up around 5, but have been able to roll over and go back to sleep until about 8.

U-UNDERWEAR: Usually a thong.  With fun colors/prints. 

V-VEGETABLE YOU DISLIKE: I can't really think of anything.  Usually if I don't like something it's because of how it was prepared.  I was vegan for a year and got to try all sorts of veggies and it broadened my palate.  I guess all things soy because all the soy available in the US has been genetically modified and does crap to your body.

W-WHAT MAKES YOU RUN LATE: If I can't find my keys or my cell phone.  My cell phone is like my security blanket... but usually I'm the person 15-30 minutes early because I'm paranoid about being late. And my town has a LOT of train tracks across it and you never know when you are going to be stopped by one... or two.

X-X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD DONE:  A lot to my hips as a kid because my legs were growing unevenly.  Upper Back when I was having weird chest/back pains (turned out to be stones in my gallbladder).  Most recently an HSG of my uterus and fallopian tubes that showed nothing.

Y-YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE:  I. Love. Baking.  So this could be a long list... Scott always complements my meatloaf and lasagna and guinness cheesecake.  I will say that I suck at making soups which seems silly since they are supposed to be so "easy".

Z-ZOO, FAVORITE ANIMAL:  River Otters (not to be confused with sea otters)  They are just so happy and comical!  Wish I could become one, they always look like they are having a BLAST! I have a tendency to take life to seriously...


  1. Guiness cheesecake? Ok, you so hae to post the recipe!

  2. Love to, but can't figure out how to make a new tab to write it in, so it's not part of my regular blog posts.... :/

    Oh well. Here we go:

    Graham Cracker Crust:
    1c. graham cracker crumbs
    2T sugar
    3T melted butter
    mix, press into a 9" spring form pan at 350 for 10 minutes. Cool before filling.

    Guinness Cheesecake:
    16oz cream cheese
    1t vanilla
    1/2c. sugar
    1/4c. Guinness EXTRA STOUT
    1/2t cinnamon
    2T flour (may need more)
    2-3 eggs
    Combine ingredients, pour into pan over crust, bake at 350 for 40 min or until settled.

    And just because I pulled out all my dessert recipes to get that I had to share one more:

    Chocolate Guinness Brownies:
    4 large eggs
    3/4c sugar
    7.5oz dark chocolate finely chopped
    4.5oz white chocolate finely chopped
    6T unsalted butter, divided
    3/4c flour
    3/4c Dark Truffle flavor hot cocoa powder
    1c Guinness stout
    Confectioners sugar for dusting
    Preheat over to 375, use greased 9x9 pan in center rack. Beat sugar/eggs until light and fluffy. Over low heat combine chocolate and butter stirring constantly. Let cool slightly and gradually add the egg/sugar mixture. Sift flower/cocoa and gradually beat into mixture. Slowly whisk in the Guinness. Pour in pan and bake 25-30 minutes. Dust w/ confectioners sugar.

    I'll admit I haven't made either of these in I don't know how long and now that I'm trying to lose weight don't know when I will again, but hopefully someone out there can enjoy them!

  3. Hey Kira! Thanks for the ICLW comment. We actually live down in Ridgway (between Telluride/Ouray), but thanks to friends in Denver and the RE clinic (CCRM) being in Denver, we're up your way a lot. My best friend lived in Fort Collins for the past 5 years and JUST moved into Denver, but I've done lots of bike riding and partying in the Fort. Fun town. :)

  4. Oooh those recipes look amazing! Thanks for sharing...
